The perfect plan for every studio

Our pricing scales with your business.

One price fits all

We're not into pricing tiers - you get all our features for $0 upfront.
We take a small transaction fee when a client books a class, so you only pay as you make money.
Get your studio on Outclass for free!
3% transaction fee (plus Stripe fees)
Unlimited classes
Unlimited class packs & recurring memberships
Unlimited instructors
Waitlists for full classes
Client check-in
Detailed client profiles with notes, payment & attendance history
And much more...


The perfect plan for early stage startups that want to launch quickly - can't get any better than this.
Start your free trial
Your first 14 days are free
No credit card required
No maximum API calls
Pay only for what you use
Billed by the second, prepaid
Up to 1,000 running browsers
Email support


The best plan for fast growing scale ups that want to expand into new markets or product.
Get Started
Unlimited use
No credit card required
No maximum API calls
Pay only for what you use
Billed by the second, prepaid
Up to 1,000 running browsers
Email support


The plan best suited for large businesses looking for enterprise-class compliance, while diversifying their revenue streams.
Get Started
Unlimited use
No credit card required
No maximum API calls
Pay only for what you use
Billed by the second, prepaid
Up to 1,000 running browsers
Email support

If you're after a custom plan let us know!

We've talked to a lot of studio owners to build Outclass, but there is always one that's a bit different...

Book a demo below and we'll discuss exactly how we can set your studio up on Outclass.

89% of studio owners aren't satisfied with their booking system. Do you want to be part of the 11%? .